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分選儀1號機 FACSAriaIIIu

流式細胞分選儀1號機FACSAria IIIu激發光雷射與集光濾鏡組態
Excitation Laser
Dichroic mirror Longpass
Bandpass Filter
  Fluorophores and other useful dyes
  488 A 655 LP 695/40 PerCP (87.4/63.3),
PerCP-Cy5.5 (98.4/68.1),
PE-Cy5.5 (76.9/38.5)
PE-Cy5 (53.7/30.7)
B 502 LP 530/30 Alexa Fluor 488, FITC, GFP, Fluo-3 or Fluo-4
C 488/10 SSC
  561 A 735 LP 780/60 PE-Cy7 (94.9/60.5)
B 630 LP 670/14 PE-Cy5 (91.9/29.2), 7-AAD
C 600 LP 610/20 PE-Texas Red (94.6/30), PI
DsRed (85.8/20.1)
D 582/15 dTomato,  PE(94.3/~30), RFP, Cy3
  633 A 735 LP 780/60 APC-Cy7, APC-H7, Alexa Fluor® 750
B 660/20 APC, Alexa Fluor® 647, Cy5, MitoProbe™ DiIC1(5),
CellTrace™ Far Red DDAO-SE, SYTOX® Red
405 A 630 LP 660/20 Brilliant Violet650,  Qdot 655
B 600 LP 610/20 Brilliant Violet605,  Qdot 605
C 556 LP 585/42 Brilliant Violet570,  Qdot565
D 502 LP 510/50 Brilliant Violet510,  AmCyan, Horizon V500,
E 450/40 Pacific Blue, Brilliant Violet421,  Alexa Fluor® 405, Horizon V450,

** 加註刪除線者表示儀器組態中有2個或2個以上的位置可以收集到該螢光訊號,加註刪除線 的位置非該螢光試劑之最佳收集位置,建議以未加註刪除線之位置收集其螢光訊號。


The Flow Cytometric Analyzing and Sorting Coreof the First Core Laboratory, College of Medicine, National Taiwan University

管理人員: 黃志成博士 & 王靜嫻副技師 TEL: 02-23123456 ext 288356 E-mail: sorter01@ntu.edu.tw
