首頁 簡介 生命科學家誓言生命科學家誓言






A Bioscientist’s Oath

2003, Taiwan


At the moment of my becoming a member of the bioscience community, I do solemnly declare that I will respect the value and dignity of life, and conduct myself to honor this profession. I acknowledge that I have a special responsibility for promoting the welfare of humankind, and will so behave as to pursue and exercise my bioscience knowledge in an ethical and a socially responsible way. Never will I use my training to do harm to others or the environment; neither will I do anything to diminish social justice. Whatever action I take and career I choose, I will consider their moral implications. Since I realize that only ethically responsible bioscientists can hope to contribute to peace and security to people, thus promote genuine human flourishing. I make this declaration wholeheartedly and upon my honor.





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